Hello!!!! (it feels so great to say this)
I can finally talk again! My 48 hours of silence was so HARD! Wow, I don't know where to start. It began at 1:30 on Thursday. I started off with a nice walk around the little pond swamp thing we have here just down the street. I thought that I would start off this 48 hours with a little walk with God.
A side story - A few days ago when I was in my confusion, I went for a walk around the pond swamp thing, and I saw a beaver swimming in it. I thought that it was so cool. I just watched it until it was out of my site. It was so amazing.
So, as I walked around the pond again on Thursday, I pleaded with God, that if he was truly with me, he would show me the beaver again within the next 48 hours. Since going through this tough week, it was so hard to know that God was truly with me. That through this confusion and doubt he was walking right beside me. As soon as I said that all I herd was a voice inside me say
" hahah, oh Corryn I have something so much better."
As I look back at that moment, I can't believe I even questioned the creator of the universe to reveal something like that. I know that on God's time, he will reveal himself to me. And if he choose not to, that will be ok too.
The Lord God of my life is a living one, and I will put my whole trust in him. He will not get me around the tough times, he will get me thought them.
These past few days, I have found myself journaling. I have never really liked it, or done it much. But I have felt like I can be so real with God through what I write down.
I have also found so much joy in reading the bible. I have read through many books these past 48 hours, and I never knew how much I related to them. Its like I'm reading my own stories. I find it so amazing how God can use the Scripture to related to our own lives. All these past years, I have just felt like I'm reading a story. It was truly amazing to just be with God these past days.
With Gods strength, love and faith I'm so excited to say that I will be doing Trek this year. I know that with him leading me though my darkest hours, I will be able to do this. I very well know that it is NOT going to be easy at all. But I just know that this is what he wants me to do. Also I'm at peace with this decision. Thanks for all the prayers for this.
Once again, that you so much for all the prayers, love and support. They have comforted me thought the nights, and gotten me thought the tears.
Psalm 62 : 1-2
"My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken."
I love you all.
kitchen curtain sets
4 years ago
Aw, so neat. :)
So, did you see a beaver this time?? I know it doesn't matter, but just curious.
Hi Corryn,
It's good to hear your voice!! You have been on such an amazing journey, through valleys and up hills but you have come through this time with am amazing thirst for God and his will for your life. I envy (did I just say that) you a little bit as you seem so much closer to God than I and I've had a LOT more years of living behind me than you.
Congrats on your decision. You will be tested and tried, no doubt, but through God's grace, will conquer.
Love you,
Auntie Wendy
Your blog today brought me to tears(yes I know that sometimes that isn't hard to do). Your renewed strength and trust in Him is so evident. I am so happy for you that you know what you are supposed to do no matter how difficult it will be. Your strength will continue to grow as you pray, journal and talk to others about Him. god bless.
Love you,Auntie Carol
Hey Corryn,
So neat to read your blog as we have been praying for you continually...and God has answered my prayers for you and He will continue to guide you EACH step of the way! I am SO excited for you as you go to Brazil!!!! Keep on trusting! ~Naomi
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